Preset counter

Product type

Preset counters are useful in applications where it is important to monitor a certain number of counting operations. The counters are used, for example, in production automation, for controlling machines or in measurement and control technology.

How do preset counters work?

Preset counters work by counting digital signals and using a preset value to trigger certain actions. These are the basic modes of operation:

1. counting process: The preset counter counts pulses or events that are fed to it. These pulses can come from various sources, such as switches, sensors or other digital signals.

2. preset value: The user can set a specific value (preset) that specifies how many pulses should be counted before a certain action takes place. This value can often be entered via buttons or a digital interface.

3. counter reading: The counter increases with each pulse received. When the counter reading reaches the preset value, a defined action is triggered, such as resetting the counter to zero, activating an output signal or sending an alarm.

4. reset: Once the preset value has been reached, the counter can be reset manually or automatically. A new counting process is then started.

Preset counters are useful in many applications for counting events, such as industrial automation, manufacturing, traffic monitoring and many other areas.

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