- TDE Instruments DPM36 4-digit digital multimeter built-in instrument
- CIRCUTOR IDA-EV residual current circuit-breaker for electric vehicle charging stations
- ZDAUTO M5S-socket-8PIN socket for M5S modules
- OPKON RPF 28 potentiometric miniature absolute encoder with solid shaft
- OPKON MRPF 28 magnetic miniature absolute encoder with solid shaft and 10 V DC analogue output
- OPKON OPTC pressure sensor with thread and connection head
- EMKO ecoPID+ compact 4-digit PID temperature controller with heating and cooling function
- EMKO NTC-M5L20.K1.5 NTC temperature sensor
- EMKO RTKRT Pt100 temperature sensor with sensor head and 4-20 mA analogue signal output
- ENTES MKC-30 multifunctional phase failure relay
- ENTES SA60 shunt measuring resistor 60 mV
- EMKO ESM-1520-N PID and 2-point temperature controller with heating and cooling function for DIN rail mounting
- TRUMETER 3410 durable and robust battery-operated electronic AC/DC hour meter
- TDE Instruments Digalox® DPM72-AV2 digital panel meter
- TDE Instruments Digalox DPM72-AV Graphical DIN meter for volts and amps
- TDE Instruments Digalox DPM72-AVP Graphical DIN meter for volts and amps with USB interface
- TDE Instruments Digalox DPM72-PP Graphical DIN measuring device for shunt and analogue signal USB
- EMKO IPERTU Process I/O process control module
- EMKO IPERTU Expansion I/O expansion module
- EMKO IPERTU Communication Ethernet Gateway communication module
- EMKO IPERTU Supply power supply module
- OPKON MLC magnetic linear incremental displacement transducer especially for roll bending machines
- OPKON DMSS magnetostrictive contactless position sensor with communication interface
- OPKON DMST magnetostrictive contactless position sensor with communication interface
- OPKON DMSW magnetostrictive contactless position sensor with communication interface
- OPKON ERPH Linear displacement transducer with analogue signal output
- OPKON ERTM Linear displacement transducer with analogue signal output mA or V
- OPKON MLI magnetic linear incremental encoder
- OPKON MLIP magnetic linear incremental displacement transducer
- OPKON MPS magnetic linear incremental displacement transducer for press brakes
- OPKON MST contactless magnetostrictive position sensor
- OPKON MSW contactless magnetostrictive position sensor
- OPKON PRI 40SH optical incremental encoder with half hollow shaft
- TDE Instruments Digalox DPM72-MP Graphical DIN meter for 500V/10A AC/DC with multiple display RGB
- TDE Instruments Digalox® DPM72-MP+ digital panel meter
- TDE Instruments Digalox DPM72-MPN Graphical DIN meter for 500V/60mV DC with multiple display RGB
- TDE Instruments Digalox® DPM72-MPN+ digital panel meter
- TDE Instruments Digalox® DPM72-MPP Process display with 2 measurement inputs for 4-20 mA and 10 V analogue signals
- TDE Instruments Digalox® DPM72-MPPA Process display with 2 measurement inputs for 4-20 mA analogue signals
- TDE Instruments Digalox® DPM72-MPPV process display with 2 measurement inputs for 10 V analogue signals
- TRUMETER APM-VOLT digital voltmeter for measuring the mains voltage
- TRUMETER APM-AMP digital ammeter for measuring direct and alternating current up to 5A
- Trumeter APM-CT digital ammeter for measuring alternating current with current transformer
- TRUMETER APM-FREQ digital frequency meter for measuring frequency and speed
- TRUMETER APM-M digital multimeter for measuring voltage, current or frequency
- TRUMETER APM-RATE digital built-in instrument for measuring speed, rpm and flow rate
- TRUMETER APM-PROC digital panel meter for process control applications
- TRUMETER APM-TEMP digital temperature measuring device for use with thermocouples
- CIRCUTOR DCB-48 digital panel meter as voltmeter, ammeter or process indicator
- CIRCUTOR DCB-72 digital panel meter as voltmeter, ammeter or process display
- CIRCUTOR DHC-96 CPM digital DC multimeter built-in instrument for monitoring solar systems or the charging process of electric vehicles
- CIRCUTOR DHC-96 digital panel meter as voltmeter, ammeter or process indicator
- CIRCUTOR TC8 420 current transformer with 4-20 mA analogue signal output
- CIRCUTOR TI-420 current transformer with 4-20 mA analogue signal output
- ENTES ES3-63 3-phase electricity meter with direct connection up to 63 A
- ENTES ES3-80 3-phase electricity meter with direct connection up to 80 A
- OPKON RTK potentiometric displacement transducer with lifting rod on one side and connection cable
- CIRCUTOR Line-TCPRS1 RS-232/RS-485 to Ethernet/Wi-Fi converter with integrated web server and app for configuration
- EMKO PTC-K PTC temperature sensor fast response without immersion sleeve
- EMKO RT SI+SI (1000) Pt1000 temperature sensor fast response without immersion sleeve
- EMKO RT SI+SI Pt100 temperature sensor fast response without thermowell
- EMKO RT T+T Pt100 surface sensor with mounting plate for attachment to surfaces
- EMKO RTIR 3 wire Pt100 temperature sensor with sensor head
- EMKO RTIR-M06-L050.1 3 wire (1000) Pt1000 temperature probe with sensor head
- EMKO RTMS (1000) Pt1000 temperature sensor mineral insulated with immersion sleeve
- EMKO RTMS Pt100 temperature sensor mineral insulated with thermowell
- EMKO RTR PT1000 temperature sensor with thread and cable sheath made of fibreglass braiding
- EMKO RTSM (1000) Pt1000 temperature sensor with immersion sleeve and cable sheath made of fibreglass braiding
- EMKO TC.J SI+SI type J temperature sensor fast response without immersion sleeve
- EMKO TC.K SI+SI Type K temperature sensor fast response without immersion sleeve
- EMKO TCIR.J Type J temperature sensor with sensor head
- EMKO TCIR.K Type K temperature sensor with sensor head
- OPKON DWEM1 incremental draw-wire encoder with pulse output
- OPKON DWEM2 incremental draw-wire encoder with pulse output
- OPKON DWEM3 incremental draw-wire encoder with pulse output
- OPKON DWPM1 potentiometric draw-wire encoder with 4 to 20 mA or 0 to 10 V analogue signal output
- OPKON DWPM2 potentiometric draw-wire encoder with 4 to 20 mA or 0 to 10 V analogue signal output
- OPKON DWPM3 potentiometric draw-wire encoder with 4 to 20 mA or 0 to 10 V analogue signal output
- OPKON RTL potentiometric displacement transducer with lifting rod on one side and connector plug
- OPKON RPH Linear Potentiometer with sliding mounting brackets
- OPKON OPH linear potentiometric displacement transducer with slide and open design
- OPKON LPC potentiometric displacement transducer with ball joints on both sides
- OPKON RTM potentiometric displacement transducer with ball joints on both sides
- OPKON SLPT potentiometric displacement transducer with lifting rod on one side
- OPKON SLPC linear potentiometer with ball joints on both sides
- OPKON SLPIS linear potentiometric displacement transducer with lifting rod
- OPKON SLPKS linear potentiometric displacement transducer with integrated return spring of the lifting rod
- OPKON LMT linear potentiometric displacement transducer with lifting rod
- OPKON PRI 58A incremental encoder with solid shaft for up to 3600 rpm
- OPKON PRI 58SH incremental encoder with half hollow shaft
- OPKON PRI 58H incremental encoder with hollow shaft
- OPKON PRI 50A incremental encoder with solid shaft up to 5000 pulses per revolution
- OPKON PRI 50H incremental encoder with hollow shaft
- OPKON SLPS linear potentiometric displacement transducer with integrated return spring of the lifting rod
- OPKON ERTL displacement transducer with analogue signal output mA or V
- TDE Instruments Digalox® DPM72-XBEE-STICK XBEE interface extension
- TDE Instruments Digalox EX-USB USB Interface
- CIRCUTOR FLEX-MAG Rogowski coil for AC current measurement
- CIRCUTOR FLEX-RMG Rogowski coil for AC current measurement
- CIRCUTOR Line-EDS cloud data logger with integrated web server for AmazonWebServices, Google platform or Azure
- CIRCUTOR Line-M-4IO I/O expansion module
- EMKO EPM-7790 digital speed controller with analogue output and ramp function
- EMKO ESM-4930 PID process controller with universal input and 3 outputs
- EMKO RT (1000).SKP5 Pt1000 surface probe with hole for screw mounting on surfaces
- EMKO TC.J.SKP5 SKP5 type J surface probe with hole for screw mounting on surfaces
- EMKO TC.K thermocouple with bayonet connection for quick mounting for industrial applications
- EMKO TC.K.SKP5 Type K surface sensor with hole for screw mounting on surfaces
- EMKO TCMS.J type J thermocouple immersion sensor mineral insulated
- EMKO TCMS.K type K thermocouple immersion sensor mineral insulated
- EMKO TCR.J type J thermocouple with thread for screw mounting
- EMKO TCR.K type K thermocouple with thread for screw mounting
- EMKO TCSM.J Type J thermocouple immersion sensor
- EMKO TCSM.K Type K Thermocouple Immersion Sensor
- ENTES EMR-04 Power analyser with LED display for panel mounting
- ENTES EMR-07 Power analyser with LED display for panel mounting
- ENTES EMR-53 Power analyser with LED display for panel mounting
- ENTES ENS.CCT 10 Split-core current transformer for low voltage with 333 mV output for conductor diameters up to 10 mm
- ENTES ENS.CCT 16 Split-core current transformer for low voltage with 333 mV output for conductor diameters up to 16 mm
- ENTES ENS.CCT 24 Split-core current transformer for low voltage with 333 mV output or 5 A secondary current for conductor diameters up to 24 mm
- ENTES ES-45L Electricity meter 1-phase up to 45 A direct measuring optionally with MID approval and RS485 interface
- RT SI+SI (1000).SKP5 Pt1000 surface probe with hole for screw mounting on surfaces
- TRUMETER 5500 Measuring wheel with mechanical meter counter for distance measurement
- CIRCUTOR CVM-E3-MINI-ITF three-phase power analyser for DIN rail mounting
- CIRCUTOR Line-CVM-D32 single-phase, two-phase and three-phase power analyser for DIN rail mounting
- CIRCUTOR Line-EDS-PS data logger with integrated web server and PowerStudio software
- EMKO Trans-AMF
- EMKO Trans-MidiAMF
- EMKO Trans-MidiAUTO
- EMKO Trans-MiniAMF
- EMKO Trans-MiniAUTO++
- Trans-MiniAUTO
- EMKO GENCHARGER SNT Battery charger with integrated switching power supply for lead-acid batteries
- EMKO EPM-3790-N digital speed controller with analogue output and ramp function
- EMKO ERM-3770-N digital tachometer for NPN/PNP signals up to 10 kHz and alarm output
- ENTES ES-32L Electricity meter 1-phase up to 32 A direct measuring optionally with MID approval and RS485 interface
- CIRCUTOR CEM-C21 3-phase electricity meter with direct connection up to 65 A
- CIRCUTOR CEM-C31 3-phase electricity meter with 5 A connection for current transformer
- CIRCUTOR CEM-M communication extension module RS485 with Modbus RTU or Ethernet with Modbus RTU/TCP
- CIRCUTOR MyeBOX-150 portable power analyser configurable with app
- EMKO EZM-4430 Multifunctional preset counter with 2 counting inputs and one relay output
- EMKO EZM-7730 Multifunctional preset counter with 2 counting inputs and one relay output
- EMKO EZM-9930 Multifunctional preset counter with 2 counting inputs and one relay output
- EMKO EZM-4450 Multifunctional preset counter, timer and tachometer with 2 counting inputs and 2 slots for output modules
- EMKO EZM-4950 Multifunctional preset counter, timer and tachometer with 2 counting inputs and 2 slots for output modules
- EMKO EZM-7750 Multifunctional preset counter, timer and tachometer with 2 counting inputs and 2 slots for output modules
- EMKO EZM-9950 Multifunctional preset counter, timer and tachometer with 2 counting inputs and 2 slots for output modules
- EMKO EZM-3735 Timer for hours, minutes, seconds with one relay output
- EMKO EZM-4435 timer for hours, minutes, seconds with manual or automatic reset and one relay output
- EMKO EZM-7735 timer for hours, minutes, seconds with manual or automatic reset and one relay output
- EMKO EZM-9935 timer for hours, minutes, seconds with manual or automatic reset and one relay output
- EMKO EZM-4931 Preset counter especially for encoder NPN/PNP with 200 kHz input
- TDE Instruments Digalox® DPM72-MP+-DIN DIN rail meter without display
- TDE Instruments Digalox® DPM72-MPN+-DIN DIN rail measuring device without display
- TDE Instruments Digalox® DPM72-MPP-DIN DIN rail meter for analogue signal 4 to 20 mA and 0 to 10 V
- TDE Instruments Digalox® DPM72-MPPA-DIN DIN rail meter for analogue signal 4 to 20 mA
- TDE Instruments Digalox® DPM72-MPPV-DIN DIN rail meter for analogue signal 0 to 10 V
- EMKO ESM-4435 PID process controller with 3 outputs and soft start function
- TRUMETER 7932 Preset counter and timer with one relay output
- TRUMETER 7922 Preset counter with 2 relay outputs
- ENTES ENT.A20MN Plug-on current transformer in small design for low voltage with 1 A or 5 A secondary current for conductor diameters up to 20 mm
- ENTES ENT.A30MN Plug-on current transformer in small design for low voltage with 5 A secondary current for conductor diameters up to 30 mm
- ENTES ENT.A40MN Plug-on current transformer in small design for low voltage with 5 A secondary current for conductor diameters up to 40 mm
- ENTES ENT.A30 clip-on current transformer for low voltage with 1 A or 5 A secondary current for conductor diameters up to 30 mm
- ENTES ENT.A40 Plug-on current transformer for low voltage with 5 A secondary current for conductor diameters up to 40 mm
- ENTES ENT.A60 Plug-on current transformer for low voltage with 5 A secondary current for conductor diameters up to 60 mm
- EMKO ESM-3700-N digital process display for analogue signals
- EMKO ESM-4400 process display with universal input and 2 slots for output expansion cards
- EMKO ESM-7700 process display with universal input and 2 slots for output expansion cards
- EMKO ESM-4900 process display with universal input and 2 slots for output expansion cards
- EMKO ESM-9900 process display with universal input and 2 slots for output expansion cards
- EMKO ESM-4430 PID process controller with universal input and 3 outputs
- EMKO ESM-7730 PID process controller with universal input and 3 outputs
- EMKO ESM-9930 PID process controller with universal input and 3 outputs
- EMKO ESM-4450 PID process controller with universal input, 1 relay output, 2 slots for I/O expansion cards and communication interface
- EMKO ESM-4950 PID process controller with universal input, 1 relay output, 2 slots for I/O expansion cards and communication interface
- EMKO ESM-7750 PID process controller with universal input, 1 relay output, 2 slots for I/O expansion cards and communication interface
- EMKO ESM-9950 PID process controller with universal input, 1 relay output, 2 slots for I/O expansion cards and communication interface
- EMKO CHANNEL8A-N Multi-channel process controller for analogue signals with communication interface
- TRUMETER 3900B Length measuring device for carpets and textiles with mechanical counter or rotary encoder
- ENTES AKC-01A Overcurrent monitoring relay 1-phase up to 5 A
- ENTES AKC-01D Undercurrent monitoring relay 1-phase up to 5 A
- ENTES AKC-03A Overcurrent protective relay 1-phase up to 60 A including current transformer
- ENTES AKC-03D Undercurrent protection relay 1-phase up to 60 A including current transformer
- ENTES GKRC-02F Undervoltage and overvoltage protection relay 3-phase up to 300 V with phase failure protection
- ENTES GKRC-03F Monitoring relay over- and undervoltage with phase failure protection 3-phase up to 510 V
- ENTES GKRC-20F Voltage monitoring relay 3-phase with phase failure protection
- ENTES MCB-15 Multifunction time relay 0.05 s - 100 h
- ENTES MCB-20 Multifunction time relay 0.1 s - 100 h
- ENTES MCB-30 Time relay 2-30 s
- ENTES MCB-60 Time relay 4-60 s
- ENTES MCB-7 Time relay 0.1 s - 30 h
- ENTES MCB-8 timing relay 0.1 s - 999 min
- ENTES MCB-9 timing relay 0.1 s - 60 h
- ENTES MKC-01 Phase failure relay
- ENTES MKC-03 Phase failure relay
- ENTES MKC-04 Phase failure relay
- ENTES MKC-05 Phase failure relay
- ENTES MKC-06 Phase failure relay
- EMKO PRO-KEY data transfer module for transferring menu setting data to other devices
- EMKO PRO-485 RS485 interface extension module
- EMKO EMI-4 input expansion modules
- EMKO EMO-4 output extension modules
- EMKO EMI-7 input expansion modules
- EMKO EMO-7 output extension modules
- EMKO EMI-9 input expansion modules
- EMKO EMO-9 output extension modules
- EMKO Proop-I/O module Extension module for HMI Proop series or can be used separately as a top-hat rail measuring device
- OPKON PRI 40A compact incremental encoder with solid shaft up to 1024 pulses per revolution
- OPKON MRI 58A incremental encoder with magnetic scanning
- OPKON MRI 50A magnetic incremental encoder with solid shaft
- OPKON MRI 50SH magnetic incremental encoder with half hollow shaft
- OPKON MRI 40A compact incremental encoder with magnetic sensing
- OPKON ELPC linear displacement sensor with ball joints on both sides and analogue signal output mA or V
- TRUMETER 7000AS 6-digit digital pulse counter counting up and down with counting input up to 10 kHz and reset input
- EMKO RTS Pt100 temperature sensor with immersion sleeve
- EMKO RTSM Pt100 temperature sensor with immersion sleeve and cable sheath made of fibreglass braiding
- EMKO RTS.1000 Pt1000 resistance thermometer
- EMKO PTC PTC resistance thermometer with stainless steel sleeve
- EMKO TCS.J Type J thermocouple immersion sensor
- EMKO TCS.K Type K thermocouple immersion sensor
- EMKO RTR Si+Si Pt100 temperature sensor with thread and silicone cable
- EMKO RTR Pt100 temperature sensor with thread and cable sheath made of fibreglass braiding
- EMKO PTCS PTC temperature sensor with thread and silicone cable
- EMKO RT Pt100 bayonet sensor for quick mounting for industrial applications
- EMKO RT.1000 Pt1000 bayonet probe for quick mounting for industrial applications
- EMKO TC.J type J thermocouple with bayonet connection for quick mounting for industrial applications
- EMKO RTL Pt100 temperature sensor especially for mounting on enclosures
- EMKO TCL type J thermocouple especially for mounting on enclosures
- EMKO RTS-M08X08 Pt100 surface sensor with magnets integrated in the sensor head for mounting on metallic surfaces
- OPKON MSS magnetostrictive position sensor with 16 bit resolution and analogue signal output mA or V
- OPKON MRV 50A magnetic absolute encoder with solid shaft and 5 V DC output signal
- EMKO Pronem midi LCD W Temperature and Humidity Transmitter with LCD Display for Wall Mounting
- EMKO Pronem midi PMD-D transmitter for temperature and humidity with Modbus RS485 interface or analogue output
- EMKO Pronem midi PMD-W Temperature and humidity transducer for wall mounting
- EMKO Pronem mini temperature and humidity transmitter for wall mounting with 2.5 metre cable for supply and signal transmission
- EMKO ESM-3710-N 2-point temperature controller with heating and cooling function
- EMKO ESM-3711-HN 2-point heating controller with timer and buzzer
- EMKO ESM-3711-CN 2-point cooling controller with timer and buzzer
- EMKO ESM-3712-HCN 2-point temperature controller with heating or cooling function and two outputs
- EMKO ESM-3712-CN 2-point cooling controller with defrost function, timer and buzzer
- ENTES MPR-4 power analyser built-in device for panel mounting
- ENTES MPR-3 power analyser built-in device for panel mounting
- ENTES MPR-2 Power analyser for top-hat rail with display
- ENTES MPR-1 Power analyser for top-hat rail without display
- TRUMETER HED261 8-digit pulse counter with pulse counting input up to 10 kHz and contact counting input
- EMKO ESM-3720 PID and 2-point temperature controller with heating and cooling function
- EMKO ESM-3723 Dual temperature and humidity controller with 4 outputs ideal for climate control
- EMKO ESM-1510-N 2-point temperature controller with heating and cooling function for top-hat rail mounting
- EMKO ecoLITE compact 2-point temperature controller with heating and cooling function
- EMKO ecoPID compact PID temperature controller with heating and cooling function
- TRUMETER HED251 4-digit pulse counter with counting input up to 18 Hz
- TRUMETER 7111 8-digit battery-powered digital totaliser for panel mounting
- TRUMETER 7111HV 8-digit battery-powered digital totaliser for panel mounting
- TRUMETER 7400AS 8-digit digital totaliser counting up and down with counting input up to 10 kHz and reset key
- TRUMETER 7401AS 8-digit digital totaliser counting up and down with counting input up to 10 kHz
- ENTES MCB-25 Digital multifunction time relay 0.15 s - 999 h with LCD display and integrated battery
- TRUMETER 732 electromechanical hour meter with display up to 99999.9 hours and voltage range 10 to 80 V DC
- TRUMETER 7957 digital time relay with LCD display and 18 different operating modes
- TRUMETER 7954 digital time relay with LCD display and 8 different operating modes
- ZDAUTO MIO-RASPBERRYPI M5S evaluation board for M5S I/O modules
- ZDAUTO M5S-AO Signal converter IC analogue output 10 V or 20 mA
- ZDAUTO M5S-AI signal converter ICs Analogue input 10 V and 20 mA or Pt100
- TRUMETER 2300 Length measuring device with mechanical counter, 2 measuring wheels and hinge holder for measuring the length of textiles and foils.
- TRUMETER 2701 Length measuring device with mechanical counter and 2 measuring wheels for measuring the length of textiles and foils.
- ENTES EMM digital current and voltage meter for 3-phase AC
- TDE Instruments DPM802-TW Digital Current and Voltage Meter AC/DC for Battery Operation
- TDE Instruments DPM961 digital panel meter voltmeter 200 mV scalable with battery-empty warning display for panel mounting suitable for battery operation
- TDE Instruments DPM962 digital panel meter voltmeter 200 mV scalable with low battery warning indicator for panel mounting
- TRUMETER DPM951 Voltmeter 200 mV scalable for panel mounting suitable for battery operation
- TRUMETER DPM952 Voltmeter 200 mV scalable for panel mounting suitable for battery operation
- EMKO EDA-3700 digital ammeter 5 A and 60 mV with scalable display
- ZDAUTO M5S-BO Signal converter ICs Optocoupler Transistor output or solid state relay
- ZDAUTO M5S-BID Signal converter ICs Digital input 0 to 5 kHz
- EMKO ESD-9950-N PID temperature controller with universal sensor input, rotary control and 2 outputs
- EMKO ESM-9944-N PID oven control with universal sensor input, rotary control, timer and 2 outputs
- EMKO ESM-9945-N PID oven control with universal sensor input, rotary control, timer and 3 outputs
- TRUMETER 722 electromechanical hour meter with display up to 99999.9 hours and voltage range 90 to 264 V AC
- EMKO RT SI+SI.SKP5 Pt100 surface sensor with hole for screw mounting on surfaces
- EMKO RT SKP5 Pt100 surface sensor with fibreglass braided cable sheath and hole for screw mounting on surfaces
- EMKO RT-M05X05 Pt100 surface sensor with mounting ring and tension spring
- TRUMETER 2600 Cable length measuring device with mechanical counter or rotary encoder for length measurement of cables, wires and ropes up to 76 mm diameter.
- TRUMETER 7016 battery-powered 6-digit digital pulse counter with counting input up to 18 Hz
- ZDAUTO MIO-UNO evaluation board for M5S I/O modules
- TRUMETER 2401 Length measuring device with mechanical counter and measuring wheel for measuring the length of textiles and foils.
- TRUMETER 7511 battery-powered digital hour meter for panel mounting
- TRUMETER 7511HV battery-powered digital hour meter for panel mounting
- TRUMETER 7000 6-digit digital pulse counter with counting input up to 10 kHz
- EMKO TC.J.KE.19X26 type J thermocouple pipe contact sensor with screw clamp
- TRUMETER 3602 mechanical counter suitable as meter counter or revolution counter
- TRUMETER 2630 Cable length measuring device with mechanical counter or rotary encoder for length measurement of cables, wires and ropes up to 15 mm diameter.
- TRUMETER 5000-611 robust measuring wheel with metre counter for measuring distance on roads and construction sites
- EMKO ESM-4410 2-point controller for temperature sensors with heating and cooling function and extension module system
- EMKO ESM-7710 2-point temperature controller with heating and cooling function and extension module system
- EMKO ESM-9910 2-point controller for temperature sensors with heating and cooling function and extension module system
- EMKO ESM-4420 PID temperature controller with heating and cooling function and 3 outputs
- EMKO ESM-4920 PID temperature controller with heating and cooling function and 3 outputs
- EMKO ESM-7720 PID temperature controller with heating and cooling function and 3 outputs
- EMKO CHANNEL8-N 2-point multi-channel temperature controller for Pt100 resistance thermometers
- EMKO ESM-9920 PID temperature controller with heating and cooling function and 3 outputs